• Our Purpose

Giyak Mishkawzid Shkagmikwe Inc (GMS) was established as a vehicle to execute the economic development goals of the Atikameksheng Anishnawbek Community Comprehensive Plan and Economic Development Strategic Plan including:

  1. To significantly reduce, and eventually to end chronic poverty of our individuals and families.
  2. To create significant sustainable wealth for our Anishnawbek Nation by establishing a wealth generation engine and acquiring the capabilities and institutional structures needed to effectively sustain, manage and grow our wealth.
  3. To ensure that the work of enhancing the prosperity of our community members and that of building the wealth of our Anishnawbek Nation are mutually reinforcing.
  4. To achieve prosperity without compromising the wellbeing and sustainability of the natural world.
(From March 2020 Atikameksheng Anishnawbek Comprehensive Community Plan)
  • The Corporation’s Vision is to use innovative business practices that incorporate Anishnawbek knowledge and values in order to increase the productivity of the corporation. Business ventures will provide excellent service and value to its customers while being accountable, honest and reliable. The business ventures will also provide increased revenue and enhanced employment opportunities while assuring environmental, economic and social sustainability for the Corporation and Atikameksheng Anishnawbek.
    Vision Statement